Green Squared Certified
Ironrock, maker of Metropolitan Ceramics quarry tile, METROBRICK thin brick, and Royal Thin Brick, has undergone the certification process with our Green Squared third-party auditor, SCS Global Services and has obtained Green Squared Certification for all quarry tile and thin brick products. Read the full press release here.
Environmental Product Declarations
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)—Ironrock’s products are covered by an industry-wide Environmental Product Declaration. Ironrock was an active participant in this initiative when it was first published in 2014. We have continued to contribute our company data for each renewal. Most environmental programs such as LEED, Well Building, and Green Globes offer credits for products covered by an EPD. When combined with EPDs for related products such as grouts and mortars, a tile system can go a long way towards satisfying both the number of EPDs and number of manufacturers required for the credits.

Ingredient Disclosure
Material Ingredient Guide–Ingredient disclosure is another key facet of sustainable building certifications. Ironrock was again a driving member of the group publishing the Material Ingredient Guide for tile in 2021. This guide is an industry first, disclosing ingredients for tile as an industry. Ironrock went a step further by having a guide specific to our products also certified. These guides satisfy reporting requirements often associated with HPDs, Health Product Declarations.
A Bright Idea
In 2010-2011 Ironrock undertook to replace all indoor lighting with high energy efficient bulbs and fixtures—cutting electrical consumption from lighting by more than 60%. The lighting replacement was in cooperation with the Energy Policy Act (EPACT) and Ironrock’s local utility company. The new lighting covers the entire 370,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing, shipping, and office space at Ironrock. The lights are designed not only to be more efficient but also are equipped with timed motion sensors for even more energy savings.
Public Disclosure
Recycled Materials
Since the inception of our company as a brick paver manufacturer more than 150 years ago, Ironrock has had a commitment of stewardship toward the land and its resources. We pride ourselves on our effort to recycle, reduce waste, and incorporate resource-saving practices into everyday work practices.
To further reduce waste material, Ironrock has a robust recycling program. We recycle a variety of materials from our Canton, OH manufacturing facility–and even encourage employees to bring in their recyclable products from home.
Ironrock also has a Refractory Recycling Program. Refractories are the plates, posts and blocks that move tile and brick through the Ironrock kilns. Although they can withstand high temperatures, these parts are easy to break. Ironrock now has a program in place to return broken refractories to our supplier to use in making new refractories. Ironrock is pleased to add refractory recycling to the list of materials we recycle and reuse.
Refractory Recycling
Aluminum Cans